Outdoor Lighting in Silver Spring MD: Ways to Prevent Fire

If you have outdoor lighting at your Silver Spring MD home, you should understand that there are some ways to prevent those lights from causing a fire around your home.

For example, it’s important to make sure that mulch, leaves, or other yard debris don’t cover up the landscape fixtures. If you use a landscape service, it’s important to make the landscapers aware of the location of every single light. (Some homeowners find that it’s helpful to provide landscapers with a map with the lights clearly marked.)

Another way to prevent fire is to make sure well lights have a lens cover – preferably a tempered glass lens cover. The tempered glass will prevent the outside of the lens from becoming hot enough to cause a fire, and it prevents debris from getting down into the well light catching fire.

If you have an older outdoor lighting system at your Silver Spring MD home, a transition from quartz halogen to LED will greatly reduce the likelihood of fire, because heat does not readily build up. (However, you should still make sure that your lighting fixtures remain free of leaves, mulch and yard debris.)

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For more information on outdoor lighting in Silver Spring MD, please contact East Coast Landscape Design. A properly installed low-voltage landscape lighting system also increases can prevent fires, and enhance the security, safety, and market value of your home.