Make A Great First Impression With Your Maryland Landscaping

Many people put most of their landscaping efforts into their front yard. A front yard is noticed by more people, and it gives people their first impression of both the home, and the home’s owners.

A well-designed front yard landscape will not only showcase your home, it can also enhance the physical appearance of your home. Depending on the design and choice of plants, landscaping can be either high or low maintenance.

If you would like lots of color, but want as little maintenance work as possible, consider wildflowers for your yard or garden. You can purchase wildflower seeds at home improvement stores then scatter them over a large area or where planting other items might be difficult. This strategy results in many different colors and types of beautiful flowers. Additionally, you can turn them into delightful bouquets.

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Your choice of which grass to use is dependent on the climate. In Maryland, some areas are very shady, some are very sunny. Also, some areas seem to collect water and be damp most of the time, while other areas are quite dry. Be sure to choose the right grass for the conditions at your property.

Want some help deciding which plants or what grass to use at your property? Contact the Maryland Landscaping experts at East Coast Landscape Design, we can help you plan the best landscaping for your home.