Not All Landscaping Companies Offer French Drains in Rockville MD

You may have heard that a “French drain” can prevent ground and surface water from penetrating or damaging your home’s foundation. You should be aware that not all landscaping companies offer French drains; and depending on where you live in Maryland, a permit must be obtained by a licensed contractor like East Coast Landscape Design, before digging begins.

A French drain is a trench that is filled with gravel or rock or containing a perforated pipe that redirects surface water and groundwater away from an area. (Sometimes, a lightweight gravel substitute is used to wrap around the perforated corrugated pipe and covered with filter fabric.)

Landscaping companies in Rockville MD install French drains around a home foundation in two different ways: installed underneath the basement floor on the inside perimeter of the basement, or buried around the foundation wall on the external side of the foundation. French drains are also used to relieve ground water pressure behind retaining walls in your landscape.

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For more information on French drains and other ways to manage drainage and erosion, please contact the experts among landscaping companies in Rockville MD, East Coast Landscape Design. Our Senior Geotechnical Engineer provides consultations and specializes in drainage and erosion control engineering, in accordance with the requirement of the local government and the state of Maryland. Please contact East Coast Landscape Design today.