Is Bethesda Md Landscaping An Art Or A Science?

We get lots of great questions from the clients we work with on a regular basis, and in this article, we’ll address one of the more common ones in case you’ve been wondering the same thing.

Is Bethesda Md Landscaping An Art Or A Science? It’s easy to understand where this question comes from. After all, on the surface, landscaping works appears to be all art and no science. The reason for that is because most of the science takes place before the actual work begins, during the planning stages of whatever landscaping project you’re pursuing.

The reality though, is that without the science aspect, landscaping wouldn’t be terribly effective and it simply wouldn’t last. Here are a few examples:

Many, if not most properties would benefit from the addition of a retaining wall to help control water drainage. That’s critical because if you have drainage issues on your property, it can do serious long term damage to your home and any other outbuildings you may have on your property.

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In order to solve for those types of issues, you’ve got to be sure that the retaining wall is in the right place, and is designed to account for the topography of your land and the type of soil you have, so there’s a lot of science and engineering work in that process.

Hand in hand with that though, there is an undeniable artistry involved as well. After all, it’s entirely possible to make a retaining wall that’s perfectly effective at redirecting water, but is also a bit of an eyesore. Obviously, nobody would be interested in building such a structure, so you need both.

Also consider how having a well or septic tank—or both—on your property interacts with whatever landscaping you want to do.

Not only is there science involved in figuring out how to get the look you want without interfering with those structures, but there’s more science, engineering and planning involved in selecting the right kinds of ground cover and placing them appropriately so the root systems of that ground cover helps prevent erosion without risking the roots growing into the pipes that are essential to keeping your home livable.

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While it’s easy to overlook the importance of science and engineering in whatever landscaping project you’ve got in mind, it would be a mistake to do so. All that to say that the answer to the question “Is Bethesda Md landscaping an art or a science?,” is that it’s both. One without the other is a disaster waiting to happen.

Whatever the scope and scale of your landscaping ambitions, we’ve got you covered. Give our office a call today and let’s talk about how we can help turn your property into the showplace you’ve always dreamed it could be.