What Shape Is An Outdoor Fire Pit in Chevy Chase MD?

Outdoor fire pits come in an amazing array of shapes and sizes, materials and costs. Many people like a circular fire pit with a wood burning fire in the center. Others like a square-shaped pit that is gas-powered.


There are raised models, and others that are in the ground. You can choose from a range of materials like stone, cement, brick and metal.


Do you have an idea of what you‘d like your outdoor fire pit to look like? Call East Coast Landscape Design today for a quote. They are happy to answer your questions.


My neighbor has a wood outdoor fire pit in Chevy Chase, MD. Can I get a gas model?


Absolutely. Many people prefer the gas-powered pits because they create less mess and are so easy to start and stop. The team at East Coast Landscape Design has years of experience with both types. They can explain the differences to you and help you choose the best type for your needs and preferences.

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Can I use my fire pit in other seasons beside summer?


For many families, the official season for an outdoor fire pit in Chevy Chase, MD, starts in summer, moves seamlessly into fall, winter and spring. Then it starts over again in summer!


A fire pit is an excellent way to get more use out of your outdoor living area. It naturally attracts people, who love to gather round to stay warm and converse with friends. Summer nights can be chilly. In fall, hot-spiced cider around the fire pit is a great way to end a busy weekend. During the holidays, go caroling and then gather round the fire pit for a mug of mulled wine. In spring, sitting by the pit is a nice way to relax after a day in the garden.


What can I cook on an outdoor fire pit?

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Yes, you can cook a variety of foods on your outdoor fire pit in Chevy Chase, MD. Let the kids loose, under supervision of course, with kabobs and hot dogs on skewers. And don’t forget the marshmallows.


Add a grill over the pit and cook your own steaks, fries and vegetables for you and the neighbors. If you can cook it on a grill, you can cook it with your fire pit.


Why should I hire East Coast Landscape Design to build my fire pit? Couldn’t I save money building it myself?


Yes, you can build it yourself. But you might end up putting in long hours on the project and end up with a fire pit that doesn’t work well and isn’t safe. It will probably look like a cookie cutter fire pit because you’ve used an online plan.

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When you work with East Coast Landscape Design, your fire pit is custom designed to fit in with your landscape and your home. It is safe and durable, constructed by experienced builders.