What to do About Standing Water in Your College Park, MD Yard?

Standing water in your College Park, MD yard can be a big problem. Not only is it unsightly, but it can also lead to water damage, breeding of pests, and other issues. Fortunately, there are many things you can do about standing water in your yard. Here are ten actionable tips you can follow to take care of standing water in your College Park, MD yard.

Identify the Source of Standing Water

The first step to getting rid of standing water is identifying the source of the problem. Does the water accumulate because of poor drainage, or is it a result of a broken pipe or gutter? Once you know the source, you can take the right steps to fix the problem.

Use a Sump Pump

If you have a basement, you can install a sump pump to get rid of standing water. This device will remove water from your basement and direct it away from your home. You can also use a portable sump pump to remove standing water from your yard.

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Install French Drains

French drains are a popular drainage solution for yards. They are installed underground and direct water away from your home and out of your yard. This solution is especially effective if you have a flat yard.

Create a Rain Garden

A rain garden is a shallow depression that is filled with plants and soil. It is designed to capture rainwater and allow it to be absorbed naturally into the ground. This solution is not only effective at removing standing water but is also attractive to look at.

Check and Fix Your Gutters

If your gutters are clogged or not functioning properly, water can accumulate in your yard. Regularly checking and cleaning your gutters can go a long way in preventing standing water.

Redirect Downspouts

Redirecting downspouts is an easy and effective way to prevent water from collecting in your yard. Make sure your downspouts are directing water away from your home.

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Adjust Your Landscape

If your yard is sloped, grading it can help prevent standing water. Additionally, you can create a swale which is a shallow ditch that is created to direct water away from your home.

Use Permeable Paving

Permeable paving is made of materials that allow water to pass through and be absorbed into the soil below. This solution is particularly effective if you have a small driveway or patio.

Create a Dry Creek Bed

A dry creek bed is a type of landscaping feature that directs water away from your home. It is attractive and functional and can be used in areas where water accumulates.

Employ Professional Help

Sometimes standing water problems are beyond the scope of your DIY skills. In such a case, employ the services of a professional landscaper or drainage contractor to help you fix the problem.


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Standing water in your College Park, MD yard is an issue that needs to be addressed promptly. Fortunately, there are many ways to address this problem. These tips will help you get started in getting rid of standing water in your yard. Remember, the key is to identify the source of the problem and take the necessary steps to fix it. With the right approach, you can have a dry and healthy yard in no time.