Here Are The Top Fifteen Things You Can Do About Standing Water in Your Wheaton, MD Yard

Standing water in your yard is a common issue that every homeowner faces at some point. Whether it is due to heavy rainfall or poor drainage on your property, standing water can be a real hassle to deal with. Not only does it make it difficult to walk around your yard, but it can also attract pests and promote the growth of mold and mildew. In this blog post, we will discuss the top fifteen things you can do about standing water in your Wheaton, MD yard. Whether you are looking for a quick fix or a long-term solution, we have you covered.

Install a French drain: A French drain is a trench filled with gravel or rock that redirects water away from your yard.

Level your yard: If your yard is not level, water will naturally pool in certain areas. Consider leveling your yard to promote better drainage.

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Add more soil: In some cases, adding more soil to your yard can help improve drainage.

Plant rain gardens: Rain gardens are designed to capture rainwater from your roof and redirect it into your yard. They are often filled with plants that can absorb water quickly.

Maintain your gutters: If your gutters are clogged or damaged, water can spill over and cause standing water in your yard. Make sure to clean your gutters regularly and replace any damaged sections.

Redirect downspouts: If your downspouts are pointed towards your yard, consider redirecting them to a different location.

Create a swale: A swale is a shallow channel that redirects water away from your yard. It can also help prevent erosion.

Install a dry well: A dry well is a hole filled with stones that allow water to drain slowly into the ground.

Use permeable materials: If you are planning a new patio or walkway, consider using permeable materials like gravel or pavers that allow water to drain through.

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Add a sump pump: A sump pump can help remove standing water from your basement or crawl space.

Fix leaks: If you have plumbing leaks in your yard, fix them as soon as possible to prevent standing water.

Consider a retaining wall: Retaining walls can help prevent soil erosion and redirect water away from your yard.

Build a rain barrel: A rain barrel can be used to collect rainwater and then use it to water your plants or lawn.

Create a bioswale: A bioswale is a landscaped area that is designed to capture and absorb rainwater.

Hire a professional: If you are not sure how to deal with standing water in your yard, consider hiring a professional landscaper or contractor.


Standing water in your yard can be a frustrating problem, but there are many solutions available. Whether you choose to install a French drain, redirect your downspouts, or hire a professional to help, there are plenty of ways to deal with standing water in your Wheaton, MD yard. By acting now, you can ensure that your yard stays healthy and beautiful for years to come.

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