Drainage And Erosion Control In Potomac Md

If you’re like most homeowners, you’ve probably got a long wish list of landscaping you’d like to do. High on most people’s lists is dealing with any drainage and erosion control issues they may have on their Potomac MD properties.

In this article, we’ll outline the three most common strategies for doing just that, but before you jump into solving for those problems, it’s important to take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

If you haven’t already done so, now is a great time to build a Master Landscape Design Document. It’s actually not as complicated as it sounds. In a nutshell, it’s a document that captures all your landscaping ambitions under a single umbrella. The big advantage in doing so is that it enables you to prioritize your projects and break the larger ones down into bite-sized chunks that are easier on your monthly budget.

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The other big advantage is the fact that it enables you to better plan how best to deal with whatever drainage and erosion control issues you’re having on your Potomac MD property so that solving those problems doesn’t get in the way of your other initiatives.

Once you’ve got a clear picture of what you want to do, you can turn your attention to the specifics of how. Here are the three easiest and best ways of dealing with whatever drainage and erosion control problems in Potomac MD you might be having:

Plant Grasses And Shrubs

This is the simplest way to combat erosion. By planting robust grasses and a variety of small shrubs, you create a tight network of roots just beneath the surface of the ground that keeps your soil firmly in place, even after hard rains.

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A Diversion

The simplest form a diversion takes is an open drainage ditch. Where grasses and shrubs are designed to deal specifically with erosion issues, a drainage ditch is designed specifically to counter the issue of drainage.

Since water always seeks the lowest available point, it naturally flows into the ditch and will go wherever you direct it. There are lots of options here, with the most common being:

  •  A drainage ditch on the edge of your property
  •  A nearby stream, if you have one on or adjacent to your property
  •  A dry well
  •  Or a decorative pond

Building Terraces

This is a more expensive solution, but also more robust. Terraces are built using retaining walls and are the optimal solution if you have a steep slope somewhere on your property. Not only will the construction of terraces give you more usable yard space, but a properly built retaining wall incorporates high quality drainage systems, solving both problems at once and giving you the option to incorporate the terraced spaces into your other landscaping initiatives.

See also  Rockville MD Drainage and Erosion Control

Which of these options sounds like the best fit for you and your property? 

 If you’re not sure, give us a call and let’s talk about it further!