How to Transform Your Beltsville Maryland Backyard Landscape Design to Get Rid of Standing Water

Beltsville, Maryland is known for its varied topography, with a significant portion of the area being in the floodplain. The presence of standing water in the backyard during the rainy season is a common issue among homeowners and businesses. A backyard landscape design that caters to effectively managing this problem offers numerous benefits, including preserving the beauty of your outdoor space and avoiding the potential health threats associated with stagnant water. In this blog, we discuss the Beltsville Maryland backyard landscape design ideas that can efficiently eliminate standing water.

Identify the Problem Areas – The first step towards transforming your backyard landscape design is identifying the spots where water accumulates after rainfall. These problem areas could be due to the land’s natural slope, depression, or the subpar drainage system. Utilizing the services of a certified landscape design expert can assist you in pointing out your backyard’s problem areas.

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Install a Drainage System – After identifying the problem areas, it’s imperative to install a drainage system that will divert water to the desired location to keep the backyard dry. A popular solution is the French drain, which involves placing a perforated pipe surrounded by gravel that drains water efficiently from the affected areas.

Upgrade Soil – The soil type in your backyard plays an essential role in draining water. Soil with low permeability fails to allow water to penetrate through rapidly, which leads to the formation of standing water. An excellent solution is to replace such soil types with high permeability soils to enhance the drainage system.

Add Plants – Plants serve the purpose of beautifying the backyard while also helping to absorb excess water. Consider planting shrubs and grass to fill up the bare spaces and add more character to your garden. Make sure the plants you add are suitable for local conditions and can survive in Beltsville Maryland’s climate.

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Create Hardscape – The addition of hardscapes such as patios, walkways, and retaining walls can significantly divert water away from problem areas while enhancing the beauty of your outdoor space. Instead of using impervious materials like concrete, consider using materials such as cobblestones, permeable bricks, or any porous pavers to enhance drainage.

In brief, living in Beltsville Maryland and having to deal with the problem of standing water in your backyard can be a frustrating experience. However, by following these simple tips, you can transform your Beltsville Maryland backyard landscape design and effectively manage the problem of standing water. Improving your backyard drainage system, soil quality, and adding plants and hardscapes, among other design elements, can significantly transform your outdoor space. With the help of a certified landscape professional, you can create an attractive, functional, and sustainable backyard that enhances your property value while providing a safe and comfortable outdoor experience.

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