Landscape Drainage In Bethesda Md

It’s something you may not have notice when you first bought your property, but you probably discovered it not long after the first hard rain, when you saw pools of standing water. If that describes your experience, you have a drainage issue.

They’re no fun to deal with, but they’re not insurmountable problems either, and as the area’s top rated landscape design company, we can help! We’ve been proudly serving the region for years, and nobody knows more about landscape drainage in Bethesda MD than we do.

The first thing we’ll want to do if you decide to work with us, is to come out and survey and assess the situation for ourselves. Once we’ve done that, we’ll be able to make a formal recommendation as to the best way to proceed, and give you a free, no obligation estimate so you’ll have a good understanding of what it will take to install a robust landscape drainage system on your Bethesda MD property and put the issue behind you for good.

Before we do that though, here’s another important question: What other landscaping do you want to do on your property?

If you don’t envision doing much beyond installing a landscape drainage system in Bethesda MD, then no extra planning is needed, but if you have other ambitions, you could benefit greatly from creating a master landscape design document.

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Don’t let the formal name of the thing throw you off. That’s just a fancy way of saying you’ll be collecting all your landscaping goals, ambitions and project ideas under a single umbrella. When you do so, you’re accomplishing much more than creating a simple wish list. Here are a few of the big advantages associated with such a document. It enables you to:

  • Prioritize your projects in a way that makes sense
  • Spot any projects that have dependencies and order them accordingly
  • Spot any projects that don’t make sense or clash with the overall vision you have. It’s much better to spot those kinds of things on the list than it is to realize after you’ve spent the money that a certain element just doesn’t fit as well as you thought it would with your overall vision
  • Identify any huge, budget breaking projects and break them down into smaller, more budget friendly chunks
  • And get a feel for the overall aesthetic of your project and how it will all hang together once everything is in place

It’s also good information for planning the landscape drainage system on your Bethesda MD property, because knowing what other landscaping you have in mind will enable you to locate the drain appropriately and plan around other landscaping you haven’t gotten to yet.

Do you have steeply sloped areas on your property? If you do, then a retaining wall is probably going to figure prominently into your landscaping and drainage plans.

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Retaining walls are fantastic because they help turn steeply sloped areas into flat terraced spaces you can use for outdoor entertaining or strategic planting. Either way, you wind up with more usable space in your yard than you had before.

Many people are under the impression that there’s a single type of ‘generic’ retaining wall, but that’s actually not true! They come in a variety of forms, and depending on your specific needs and the lay of your land, one might wind up being more appropriate than some other. Here’s a quick overview:

  • Gravity Walls – These are massive, resource intensive structures that rely on the sheer weight and mass of the wall to hold back soil and water. They’re constructed with the heaviest of materials and are much wider at the bottom than they are at the top.
  • Cantilevered Walls – Structurally, these are quite similar to Gravity Walls, but they require less materials to build because they feature a concrete base which extends deep into the soil and are angled back against the mass of soil they’re holding in place.
  • Sheet Pile Walls – An ideal choice for a wall that must be built in a confined or constructed area to provide support for loose soils that shed water fairly quickly. These are usually made of steel or wood plank, and about two thirds of their height are buried, with only the top one third visible.
  • Wooden Walls – These tend to be relatively short and generally have about 40% of their height beneath the surface. They feature support beams spaced a minimum of one foot apart and are anchored into the soil itself for additional support.
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Whatever for your retaining wall ultimately takes, the good news is that they all come with rather robust drainage systems that may solve those pesky standing water issues you’re having.

Whether you need a retaining wall or not though, the most common type of drainage solution for properties in the area is a French drain. If our assessment reveals that it’s a viable solution for you we can built it and direct the unwanted water just about anyplace you’d’ like to put it. A few of the more common options include:

  • A dry well
  • A decorative pond
  • A drainage ditch on your property that ferries the water either to a nearby river or a county or city sewage system
  • Or a stream if you’ve got one on or adjacent to your property

Whatever your landscaping and drainage needs are, we’ve got you covered. Give our office a call today.