When Do I Need a Hyattsville, MD Retaining Wall?

Are you tired of looking at ugly patches in your yard caused by runoff and erosion? Are you frustrated because so much of your property slopes and is hard to use for everyday activities? Are you worried about sliding soil damaging your home? It’s time to ask yourself, “When do I need a retaining wall in Hyattsville, MD?”

For centuries, retaining walls have been used to stabilize soil and manage runoff and erosion. They can also add an attractive touch to the overall look of a yard. Constructing a wall on your property might be the right solution for you. The best way to find out is by asked an expert, our Senior Geotechnical Engineer on staff. He works closely with the professional designers and builders to help homeowners just like you get the best use of their outdoor living space.

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A wall isn’t one-size-fits-all. If you are wondering when do I need a retaining wall in Hyattsville, MD, it is important to understand that it needs to be engineered to fit the specific situation on your property. But we’ve found there are 5 general conditions in this area that are often improved when we build a retaining wall.

  • Your house is at the bottom of a steep hill. You don’t want to wait for soil to slide down that hill and onto your house after a big storm. Building a retaining wall will stabilize the soil and give you peace of mind.
  • Your property has too many hills. Slopes make it hard to use land. When you build a series of retaining walls, you transform a hillside into terraces that are perfect for gardening, relaxing and playing. A slope becomes a flat area that is easily accessible. You also add value to your property because you have increased the amount of usable land.
  • Erosion and runoff have created ugly spots. A retaining wall can manage erosion and runoff problems. It lets you plant a garden in that ugly spot, making it a treat for the eye.
  • Soil fault lines give you worries. If your home is in the path of a soil fault line, you are probably worried that soil will cascade down and damage your house. You can minimize damage by constructing a retaining wall.
  • The soil is unstable close to your house. If soil slides into your foundation, it can damage it, causing problems for the entire house. A retaining wall can stabilize the soil and prevent the damage.
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East Coast is the local go-to authority for all things related to retaining walls. We have been helping property owners for over 40 years. We handle it all, including engineering and design, excavating, grading slope stabilization, erosion control, and construction.

Call East Coast Landscape Design today to find out when do I need a retaining wall in Hyattsville, MD.