What to Expect from Landscapers in Bethesda, MD in the Fall

In the fall, landscapers in Bethesda, MD need to put your yard to bed for the winter. Here are the fall activities you may expect from quality landscapers, like East Coast Landscapers, at your home in Bethesda, MD.

  • They will cut perennials back to soil level and remove debris to the compost pile.
  • Split perennials that have begun to overgrow their placement.
  • Remove annual plantings in the landscape.
  • Plant trees and shrubs.
  • Add a layer of mulch or organic matter to plantings to help conserve moisture and protect the root systems, especially for new plantings.
  • Overseed the lawn.
  • Cut lawn to about 2.5”.
  • Remove debris such as leaves and other dead plant material from the landscape will prevent the spread of certain fungi that can infect new leaf tissue during the following spring.
  • Remove the unwanted debris will also eliminate nesting areas for critters.
  • Adjust the watering schedule for the irrigation system.
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For information on what to expect from landscapers in Bethesda, MD, please contact the expert landscapers at East coast Landscape Design. We understand that a professionally designed, properly installed and maintained landscape adds beauty and function to your home. It also adds immense value and curb appeal to your Bethesda, MD home.